Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Al Tanf : Resources & Infrastructure


Almost all of the food, water, and other resources vital to the camp are trucked by the UNHCR into Al Tanf four days out of the week. The Refugees are given rations on these days and must make the resources last until the next delivery. Some of the refugees have planted gardens to help supplement their rations. 

The refugee above has planted radishes around his tent. These small gardens not only provide extra food, but also relieve the refugees from boredom. 

The other resources in the camp are also provided by UNHCR. There are small generators that provide power to the camp. These generators are taken care of by an electrician refugee. Heat for comfort and cooking is provided by gas. 

The camp has also developed a media group that produces videos and news in the camp. The group was started by a tech savvy refugee who has access to a computer and internet in the camp. The videos the group produces are aimed to raise awareness of the camp to outsiders. 

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